
توضیح وبلاگ من

بررسی ارتباط بین هزینه های نمایندگی جریان های نقدی آزاد و محافظه کاری مشروط- قسمت ۱۸۹

تاریخ: 20-07-00
نویسنده: فاطمه کرمانی





















Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow and Conditional Conservatism
This study examines the relationship between agency costs of free cash flow and conditional conservatism in listed companies in Tehran stock exchange deals. For this study a sample of 106 firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange was selected using sampling.
This study investigated the relationship between agency costs of free cash flow and conditional conservatism in firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange for the period 1385 to 1390 took the companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange there are a total of 530 observed for the period of investigation. Statistical methods used in this study are multiple regression method. The survey results show that companies that have limited growth opportunities, provide high free cash and have lower debt, have more debt than firms that have provided are more conservative, and companies that have limited growth opportunities provide a high free cash and cash dividends are distributed is less than the greater of cash dividends distributed to companies that are, with the condition are more conservative, and firms that have limited growth opportunities, create high free cash and they keep too much cash than firms that do not hold too much cash, conditional conservatism, more have.
Keywords: agency costs ، free cash flow, conditional conservatism، EPS

Islamic Azad University
Sience and Research Branch, Guilan, Iran
M.A Thesis on Accounting
Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow and Conditional Conservatism
Gh. Mahfoozi Ph.D.
M.M. Noorbakhsh Ph.D.
Moammad Navidi
Winter 2013



  • -Jensen M. C. ،۱۹۸۶, ۳۲۳٫ ↑




  • - Free Cash Flow ↑




  • - Agency Problems ↑




  • - Negative Net Present Value ↑




  • - Marginal Project ↑




  • - Westphalen, 2002, p12. ↑




  • - Value Relevant ↑




  • - Jonsen&Sharma, 2001. ↑




  • - Chung, et al, 2005. ↑




  • . Accounting conservatism ↑




  • . Conditional Conservatism ↑




  • . Pae, J; D. Thornton & M. Welker ↑




  • -DPS ↑


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