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تاریخ: 20-07-00
نویسنده: فاطمه کرمانی

Benchaar, C., H. V. Petit, R. Berthiaume, T. D. Whyte, and P. Y. Chouinard. 2006. Effects of addition of essential oils and monensin premix on digestion ruminal fermentation, milk production, and milk composition in dairy cows. J. Dairy. Sci. 89:4352-4364.
Benchaar, C., S. Calsamiglia, A. V. Chaves, G. R. Fraser, D. Colombatto, T. A. McAllister, and K. A. Beauchemin. 2008. A review of plant-derived essential oils in ruminant nutrition and production. Animal. Feed. Scince. Technology. 145:209-228.
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