
توضیح وبلاگ من

شناسایی-و-رتبه-بندی-استراتژی-های-بازاریابی-شرکت-های-کوچک-ومتوسط-به-منظور-بقا-در-شرایط-رکود-اقتصادی-به-روش-FANP- قسمت ۹۲

تاریخ: 20-07-00
نویسنده: فاطمه کرمانی

Keywords: Strategies Marketing, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), Recession, Fuzzy Analytical Network Process

University of Mazandaran
Faculty of Economics and Administration Science
Title: Identify and Prioritize Strategies Marketing Small Medium-Sized Enterprises for Survival in Recession on Based Fuzzy Analytical Network Process ( FANP)
Dr. Mohammad reza Tabibi
Dr. Maisam Shirkhodaie
Marjan Tabasi
October 2015


    1. . Srinivasan ↑


    1. . Kotler & ikclion ↑


    1. . Shompiter ↑


    1. . Oyang ↑


    1. . Gulati ↑


    1. . Lilien ↑


    1. . Rollins ↑


    1. . Usman Ahmed ↑


    1. . Small & Medium Enterprises(SMEs) ↑


    1. . Carson ↑


    1. . Bjerke & Hultaman ↑


    1. . Schidehutte, et al. ↑


    1. . Hoy ↑


    1. . Hills, et al. ↑


    1. . Moriarty & Jones ↑


    1. . Fox ↑


    1. .Doing Business ↑


    1. . Recession ↑


    1. . Strategic Marketing ↑


    1. . Product- Market Refocusing ↑


    1. . Slater & Laot ↑


    1. . Changes in Product Offering ↑


    1. . Changes in market Offering ↑


    1. . Cost Leadership Strategy ↑


    1. . Reduction ↑


    1. . Small and medium-sized businesses ↑


    1. . Wong & Aspinwall ↑


    1. . UNIDO ↑


    1. ۱٫Chang, et al ↑


    1. . Economies of scale ↑


    1. . Bridson ↑


    1. . Roth ↑


    1. . Fapohunda ↑


    1. . General Electric (GM) ↑


    1. . Disney ↑


    1. . Heuwelt-Packard (HP) ↑


    1. . American Business Press ↑


    1. . Meldrum & Fewsmith ↑


    1. . Microsoft ↑


  1. . McGraw-Hill Research’s Laboratory of Advertising Performance ↑

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