
توضیح وبلاگ من

بررسی تاثیر مدل سازی هدف گرای فرایند های سازمانی با رویکرد تقسیم و غلبه در آموزش و پرورش- قسمت ۲۹

تاریخ: 20-07-00
نویسنده: فاطمه کرمانی

۴۴-Thiagarajan T. and Zairi M. (1997). “A Review of Total Quality Management in Practice: Understanding the Fundamentals Through
۴۵-Examples of Best Practice Applications–Part II", The TQM MagazineVol. ۹ No. 5, pp. ۳۴۴–۳۵۶.
۴۶-Zairi M, and Baidoun S. (2003). “Understanding the Essentials of Total
۴۷-Quality Management: A Best Practice Approach – Part ۱“, Working Paper .03/03.
۴۸-Zairi M, and Baidoun S. (2003). “Understanding the Essentials of Total
۴۹-Quality Management: A Best Practice Approach – Part ۲“, Working Paper No. ۰۳/۰۵.
In recent years, the wave of the use and benefit of the improvement of the administrative systems of our country has learnt and many organizations, many tend to use systems and benefit from the show itself but should be investigated to what extent such a system that was able to help organizations improve decision making for managers to managers ‘ expectations and has such a system, but to the decision-making. The main objective from this effect of organizational processes, with the aim of gray modeling approach will improve decision-making and overcome division managers and the analysis of the effects and results of administrative processes modeling based on managers ‘ decision making, evaluation and identification of factors affecting the success of the safety process modeling the appropriate information, such as the provision of administrative integrity, accuracy, timeliness and reliability, economic effects of modeling the decision on improving the administrative process safety process managers, providing a strategy for improving the performance of For the operation, respectively. comparison of methods, respectively.And the results of the study showed that the safety process modeling in achieving the Organization’s goals with organizational goals is to find effective, in terms of organization, modeling the safety process in accordance with the Organization’s goals can actually be accessed with existing resources and understanding implementation is effective and also in terms of organization, modeling the safety process tailored to the Organization’s goals and unambiguous and understandable for the realization of policies and regulations prescribed by brerd evidence and hypothesis There was no mentioned of the trilogy.
Key words: processes organizational modeling Goal Oriented division and conquest, education and trainin

Islamic Azad University of Naragh
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of master of Arts (M.A)
Tendency :Manegmant
Title :
The effect of organizational processes, with the aim of gray modeling approach and overcome DivisionIn education

Thesis Advisor:
DR Majid Rostami
By :
Naaser Baahuor
autumn 2014


    1. - Juran &Godfery ↑


    1. - specitication ↑


    1. - exploration ↑


    1. - specification ↑


    1. -semantic ↑


    1. -Booch Method ↑


    1. -OMT ↑


    1. -Object oriented software engeenering ↑


    1. -Gartner ↑


    1. - Business process Management Notation ↑


    1. - Ryan ↑


    1. - Flow Objects ↑


    1. - Event ↑


    1. - Activity ↑


    1. - Gateway ↑


    1. - Connecting Objects ↑


    1. - Swim Lanes ↑


    1. - Artifacts 


    1. - Prajogo.et.al ↑


    1. - Juran &Godfery ↑


    1. - Rockhart ↑


    1. - Baidoun ↑


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